Two St. Peters and St. Anthony
All the Saints
St. Rose of Lima, pray for us.
St. Rose of Lima was born in 1586 as Isabel. Her beauty was so great, she was nicknamed Rose, which she took as her Confirmation name. From an early age, she wanted to be a nun. At the age of 20, Rose was allowed to join the Third Order of St. Dominic. St. Rose died on August 25, 1617 at the age of 31. She is the patron saint of gardeners.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
St. Catherine was born in Siena, Italy in 1347. She was the 25th child born to her parents. When she was only 6 years old, Jesus appeared to her and blessed her. Her parents wanted her to get married, but she wanted to devote her life to Jesus. She became a Dominican sister and served the sick and the poor. St. Catherine began to travel, urging people to turn to back to God and love him completely. She was known for her wisdom and good advice and wrote letters to many government leaders, and even to the pope. After becoming very ill, St. Catherine died at the age of 33.
St. Anthony, pray for us.
St. Anthony was born in Portugal not long after St. Francis. He became a priest and after meeting Franciscan friars, he left the abbey where he had lived and joined their order. The Franciscans did not know how brilliant and gifted Anthony was because he never bragged about himself. Then one day he was asked to preach at a Mass. Everyone was moved by his beautiful homily. After that, he preached all over Italy and France. St. Anthony brought many people back to God. When he preached about God, even the animals would listen. Many miracles took place through his prayers. He is the patron saint of lost things.
St. Francis was born in Italy in 1182 to a wealthy family. He served as a soldier and was taken prisoner during the war. After the war, he heard a call from God that changed his life. He gave his money away, took a vow of poverty and began to tell people about the life of Jesus Christ. With the men who followed him, he founded the Franciscans, who serve the poor and sick and follow in the footsteps of Christ. St. Francis was known for his love of animals and nature and is the patron saint of animals.
St. Robert was born in Yorkshire England in the year 1100. He became a parish priest and later a monk. He was one of the founders of Fountain Abbey. For many, years he led the monks who lived there. St. Robert was a gentle and prayerful man, known for being merciful and compassionate to others.
St. Bernard, pray for us.
St. Bernard was born in France. When he was a little boy, he was sent to the best schools and studied his Catholic faith. After his mother died, he went into a monastery and became a monk. Every day Bernard asked himself the question, "Why have I come here?" He never allowed himself to forget that his main duty in this world was to lead a holy life and save his soul. St. Bernard was known for his preaching and his love for the Blessed Mother. He died in the year 1153.
St. Nicholas, pray for us.
St. Nicholas was born in 270 AD in present day Turkey. His parents were Christians and he was religious from a very young age. When his parents died, he used the money he inherited to help the poor. He later became bishop of Myra and was known for his generosity.
St. Lucy, pray for us.
Very little is known about St. Lucy's life. She lived in the 4th century, when Christians were mistreated because of their faith. Lucy wanted to live her whole life in the service of Christ. When the local governor found out she was a Christian, he sent guards to arrest her, but they were unable to move her. Shortly after this, she was put to death for her faith in Jesus. St. Lucy, whose name means light, is the patron saint of the blind.
St. George, pray for us.
St. George, pray for us.
No one knows when St. George was born, but his death was around the year 303 AD. Earlier that year, the Roman emperor announced that every Christian his army passed should be arrested. St. George was a soldier in the army and he refused to follow the order. The emperor ordered that he should be killed, but George never turned away from God. Before his death, he gave all his money to the poor. There is a legend that St. George fought and defeated a dragon that was bothering a small village. He protected himself by making the Sign of the Cross and bravely slew the dragon. After seeing this, the people from the village all became Christians.
St. Philomena, pray for us.
St. Philomena was born about 300 years after Jesus. She was the daughter of a Greek king. She became a Christian when she was a young girl. She refused to marry the Emperor Diocletian because she wanted to devote her life totally to Jesus. She is the patron saint of babies and youth.
St. Luke, pray for us.
St. Luke was one of the Gospel writers and also wrote the Acts of the Apostles. He was Greek and became a Christian after meeting St. Paul and hearing about Jesus. He traveled with St. Paul to tell others about Jesus. His Gospel is the only one that tells us about the angel Gabriel coming to Mary and Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth. St. Luke was a doctor, so he is the patron saint of doctors and surgeons.
St. Peter's name was Simon and he was a fisherman from Galilee. Jesus called Simon to follow him and then changed his name to Peter, which means rock. He told Peter that he would build his church upon him and gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven. St. Peter became the first Bishop of Rome and first pope of the Catholic Church. He was a martyr and died for his faith.
St. Peter, pray for us.
Blessed Mother Mary, pray for us.
Mary of Nazareth was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. She was free from original sin and never sinned throughout her whole life. She always did what God asked her to do, even when it was hard. She stayed with Jesus when he died on the cross and was with the Apostles as they led the early Church. At the end of her life, her body and soul were taken up to heaven.
St. Gabriel, pray for us.
St. Gabriel is one of the three Archangels and serves as a messenger for God. St. Gabriel appeared to Zacharias to tell him that he would be the father of John the Baptist. He also visited Mary and announced that she would be the mother of the Son of God. St. Gabriel's feast day is celebrated on September 29th along with St. Michael and St. Raphael.
St. Michael, pray for us.
St. Michael is one of the Archangels. He is the leader of the army of God and fights against evil. His name is mentioned 4 times in the Bible. Today, we ask St. Michael to protect us from enemies. He is the patron saint of soldiers and police officers.
Fr Joseph Espaillat