Holy Child Parish

“Two beautiful churches, one GREAT parish.”


The parishioners of Holy Child Parish welcome you!

No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church; no matter your family or marital status; no matter where you are in the practice of the faith; no matter your person history, age or background; no matter what your self-image may be; YOU are invited, welcomed and loved at Holy Child Parish!

As pastor and on behalf of the whole parish family of Holy Child, I want to offer my sincere gratitude to everyone who helped make Christmas such a wonderful celebration! To my brother clergy who helped with the “heavy lifting” in terms of liturgy and planning, to the parish staff who helped organize and schedule all of the activities for Advent and Christmas and for all of the “behind the scenes” work that no one sees, to everyone who donated towards our new Christmas trees and decorations (no matter what the amount), to our music ministry, lectors, ushers, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, altar servers and live-stream crew, I thank you! 

Special thanks to the Altar Rosary Society for their generous donations, to the Serio Family who graciously donated their family outdoor Nativity Set, to “Johnny Lights” for setting up our new lights at both churches and to the hard working crews at both St. Maria Goretti and St. Teresa’s who did yeoman-like work in decorating, I am truly humbled by the goodness of the People of God here in Runnemede! Not enough is said about the dedication and volunteerism of Ron Burke. For days on end, in the blistering cold outside and in both churches inside, Ron worked tirelessly in helping prepare and decorate for Christmas. He is a tremendous asset to the parish and a good man.

Thank you too for all of your well-wishes, your generous gifts, cookies and cakes to the clergy, staff and IHM Sisters! We can most certainly feel the love! Finally, thank you for coming to church! Christmas means nothing if it is not celebrated and prayed as a community! The celebration of Christmas shows the Church fully alive, celebrating the Birth of the Savior and the fulfillment of our Lord’s Divine Rescue Mission!

May the Lord bless you and your family this Christmas season

and may you have a Happy, Healthy and Holy New Year !!! 

Live Stream & Recordings

Saturday Evening Mass 4:30PM

Click here to view mass live stream or recorded

Mass & Confession Schedules

St. Teresa Church                         St. Maria Goretti Church

Weekend Masses                                  Weekend Mass

Saturday 4:30PM                                   Sunday 9AM
Sunday 7AM, 11AM                                 Confession Sundays 8:15AM-8:45AM 

Weekday Mass & Saturday's 8:30AM                                  
Confession Saturdays 11AM-12PM       

And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
 Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)

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